About the NDIS

The NDIS, a promise to the Nation.

When Julia Gillard launched the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)  in 2014, she made a promise to every single Australian – we will look after you if you need it – and today that promise helps almost 600,000 people.

supported independent living sydney, two ladies preparing meal in the kitchen
SIL NDIS Sydney, support worker and NDIS participant in wheelchair

what is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, or NDIS as it’s known, is a world’s first program that helps disabled Australian’s live their lives in safety and comfort, inspiration and joy.

It delivers funding directly to the participant, allowing them to pay for support leading to greater independence, and access to new skills, jobs and opportunities.  It also helps them connect with community services like music, arts and sports clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, and by removing most of the hands-on care from their family and friends, it allows them to spend more quality time with the people they love.

National roll-out began in 2016, and was fully completed on 1st July 2022 when Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands finally came on board.

In addition to helping almost 600,000 Australians, the NDIS has created more than 270,000 jobs so far, and for every $1 spent there’s been a $2.25 return to the local communities too.

Now the NDIS may have its issues, but overall that’s a pretty good result in such a short time and it continues to grow and improve every day.

“A united embrace of national responsibility, and a great act of mutual care and solidarity.”
- Julia Gillard, Australian Prime Minister, 2014

Who is eligible for NDIS?

If you’re under 65, live in Australia and have a permanent disability you’re probably going to be eligible for the NDIS. If not, there may be other sources of support for your situation.

If you have a child under seven with a disability or developmental delay, they may also be eligible for the NDIS too.

If you’re not sure, feel free to get in touch and we can help you figure it out. As you can imagine, we deal with the NDIS all the time, so we know it very well.

The NDIS helps people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive and psychosocial disability. Early intervention supports can also be provided for children with developmental delay.

The Process

How to apply for the NDIS

1. Confirm your eligibility

First of all you need to prove you’re eligible.

There’s a fair amount of paperwork required, but Local Area Coordinators (LAC’s) can help.

2. Request access to funding

If you’re eligible, the next step is to complete an Access Request Form to become a participant, and once you’ve received an ‘Access Decision’ letter, you’re almost there.

3. Create your plan

This is where you determine the kind of support you need, to live your life to the fullest.

It should include every-day living assistance, and also aspirational goals. Planning for the future you want to see, and the person you want to be. This can be an exciting part of the process.

4. Put it all into action!

With a plan in hand, now you need to find the relevant support services to make it all happen. The NDIS has created a portal where you can search, and find exactly what you’re looking for from a range of NDIS providers, all thoroughly vetted and approved.

Realistically, all of this can be a little daunting but if you want, we can put you in touch with the right people to help you through the process, and out to the other side where your life starts to fall into place, and your future begins to unfold.

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