Pet Application Form

Residents must use this form to request approval to keep a pet or animal in our SIL property.

Residents should complete a separate form for each pet and use this same form to advise of any changes to details.

Please note: This is a request only and your Supportive Living Manager will advise you within 14 days if your request has been approved.

Resident Pet Application Form

Pet Details

Owner Details

NOTE: This application will be reviewed by the Allara Support Services team in consultation with the other residents. If the pet is deemed unsuitable it can be refused by the residents and / or Allara Support Services.

Terms and Agreements
The applicant agrees to be bound by the following conditions:

1. The applicant agrees that they have read, understood, and will abide by these terms.

2. The applicant is responsible for keeping the pet and property clean, safe, and free of parasites.

3. The applicant shall be liable for any damage or injury whatsoever caused by the pet(s) and shall pay the landlord or Allara Support Services for any costs incurred as a result of damage or injury caused.

4. Upon vacate, the applicant must have the property  treated / fumigated internally and externally for pests and fleas and carpets steam cleaned (where applicable), and the residence must be returned professionally cleaned.

5. Any approval for the pets is based on the application in which it was approved. For additional pets, or replacement of a pet, further applications must be submitted. (1 pet per application).

6. The pet must be kept on a leash, always carried or in a suitable transporting device whilst in public, community or specified common areas.

7. At no time is a pet to be released from its leash or let to roam freely whilst within these specified common areas.

8. The pet must not harm or threaten any member of the community, person or other animal(s).

9. The pet must not cause nuisance through unreasonable or excessive noise.

10. Any pet waste must be picked up and disposed of properly from inside the residence or when in common areas and the community.

11. Pet waste and any related material (e.g., Kitty litter) are not to be disposed in sewerage or water systems of the residence.

12. The applicant unconditionally accepts full liability for any blockage and / or damage resulting from the disposal of animal litter into the communal sewer or waste pipes system.

14. Pet recreation within the residence must be restricted to reasonable times of the day (not early morning or late evening) to not otherwise disturb other residents. Pet owners / carers are encouraged to use local parks for recreation as this will in many cases be more suitable for your pet and reduce the risk of disturbance.

15. Approval will be reviewed or revoked if any complaints are made in respect of pet.

16. The applicant will advise Allara Support Services in writing if the pet no longer resides at this location.

17. The applicant acknowledges that in the event of a breach of this agreement, Allara Support Services and / or the other residents may withdraw any consent given for the keeping of a pet.

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