The Concierge Support Model
Everything you need, right at your fingertips.
Everyone’s different, and all our needs are unique, which is why
we’re always open to new ideas – like the concierge support model.
What is the concierge support model?
It’s pretty much as you would imagine. You live in a beautiful apartment, and there’s an on-call, on-site support worker who can help you with any unplanned support you might need, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Can I have a concierge anywhere?
In a word, no. It’s enabled by an integrated assistive technology that connects your apartment directly to a qualified and skilled support worker located on site, so it can only operate if the property has been set up specifically for that purpose.
What other support models are there?
The NDIS will also provide you with in-home support, and your regular individual support services too. You don’t have to pick and choose, however, you can combine all three to give you the most amount of support, at all times.